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White Paper

Application Security for Modern Operations Teams

Complete the Loop from Ops to Dev to Security

Operations teams have undoubtedly seen major benefits from DevOps. Yet, many security teams are still stuck relying on true-but-tired defensive measures from the days of slow moving IT, while operations has radically transformed into a fast-moving IT delivery pipeline.

There's a better way for both teams: operations can help security go faster and reduce threats at the same time.

What you'll learn:

  • How modern operations processes impact security
  • Four ways operations teams can strengthen application security
  • How developers, operations, and security speed development and response to threats in real time

About This White Paper

During the last decade, operations teams have seen a dramatic shift that is still unfolding across the industry. The most forward thinking teams have already adopted DevOps practices, and the rest are in the process of doing so. Services are being decoupled from their once monolithic applications into microservice architectures composed of APIs and third party providers. Deploy rates are moving from once-a-quarter to on-demand, usually multiple times a day. Developers and operations staff now work together to rotate on-call duties and promote availability and reliability of systems.

These changes paint two opposing pictures: security still largely stuck relying on legacy defense measures from the days of slow moving IT, and operations that has radically transformed into a fast-moving IT delivery pipeline. Security practices such as static code analysis and long, drawn-out approval processes continue to slow down the software delivery pipeline with more and more questionable returns. This white paper shares actionable steps to forge an alliance between operations and security, which simultaneously boosts efficiency and reduces threats.